Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Good Times located?
We have one main base located at the Canlan Libertyville Sports Complex. Our Main Office is located at Poko Loko Early Learning Center.
Deadlines / Schedule Changes:
What important deadlines should I be aware of?
- April 15 - Campers registered by this date are guaranteed a place in camp and get an extra T-shirt.
- May 15 - Final schedules are due.
- June 1 - All camp balances must be paid in-full.
Can I change my camper's schedule after I register?
Yes, you may change your camper's schedule on your account page or by contacting us by May 15. Fees and conditions apply.
What if my child is absent?
We will let you substitute your camper’s missed day(s) if possible.
Can additional weeks or days be added?
Upon availability, you may add weeks or days
Fees / Payments:
How much does camp cost?
Click Here to find out.
How much do I pay and when is it due?
- $100 Registration fee per camper due with registration.
- Registration fee is $125 after April 15.
- Remaining balance due by June 1. Payment can be made by Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, Electronic Check, or Personal Check.
Extended Hours:
Does Good Times offer extended hours?
Yes, you can drop-off your camper as early as 6:30am and pick-up as late as 5:30pm. These extended hours are included at no extra charge. Check our location page for each base's exact times
Does Good Times provide transportation to and from camp?
Good Times provides various shuttle locations. Campers can be dropped off as early as 6:30 am & picked up as late as 5:30 pm.
Click here to see locations.
How does Good Times get to all the fun places listed on the calendar?
We hire a professional bussing company with professional bus drivers. We never train college students to drive just for a summer job.
How much time per day do the campers spend on busses?
Although each day varies depending on our calendar, we try hard to keep transportation times to a minimum. Bus rides allow campers time to rest and talk with friends in between our very busy schedule.
Are seatbelts used on the busses?
Seatbelts are usually provided on each bus. It is to the discretion of the camper and camper’s parent to use a seatbelt or not to use a seatbelt. Seatbelts on busses can both aid and hinder children in an emergency situation. Currently, seatbelt use on busses is not mandatory in the state of Illinois.
Counselors / Ratios / Groups:
What's special about a Good Times counselor?
Our counselors are college level students with unsurpassed energy and camp spirit. Many return year after year to help create an electrifying atmosphere for your camper. They all work very hard, so your camper has a summer of a lifetime.
Are counselors trained in First Aid and CPR?
As part of our counselor training, a review of basic First Aid and CPR is covered.
How does Good Times group the campers?
We group according to age and gender. Each group will consist of 10 to 20 campers with 1 to 2 counselors and may include a Gopher (an older camper helping out). All the campers within the group will be within a few months age of each other.
Can friends be grouped together?
Yes, when registering, you may list up to two friends you would like your camper grouped with. If possible (i.e. same gender, similar age, group size), we will try to group friends together.
How much time can siblings spend together while at camp?
Since our camp does everything together, siblings will have numerous opportunities throughout each day to visit each other and spend time together.
Physicals / Medication / Disabilities:
Does my camper need a physical to attend camp?
Your camper does not need a medical to attend camp. If your camper has any pertinent medical issues, you will need to notify us in the Health Information section of the registration form.
What if my child has a medical condition (i.e. asthma, seizures, diabetes, etc.)?
Upon registration, parents are required to fill out a detailed description of any medical issues their child may have. This will help us alleviate most problems, recognize others promptly, and respond correctly.
Can my child's counselor administer medication to my camper?
Your camper's counselor will be able to administer any basic medication to your camper. It is the parent's responsibility to explain these details to your camper's counselor.
Does Good Times camp accept children with disabilities?
We are open to helping any child experience a wonderful summer; however, our education, facilities, and staffing may be inadequate for children with certain disabilities. Please contact our camp director, Peggy, to discuss further.
Nintendos, iPhones, etc.
Can campers bring electronics such as Nintendos and iPhones?
Expensive items such as Nintendos and iPhones should be left at home. Any items unclaimed for more than one week will be donated to Goodwill. Parents, please be aware that campers are responsible for their own items.
My child does not know how to swim. How will Good Times help with him/her?
We have many children each summer with no previous swimming experience. All pools are professionally staffed with lifeguards and our counselors provide assessment, instruction, and additional watchful eyes.
Does my camper need a pool pass?
No, there is no need for pool passes with our camp. The camper tuition fee covers the cost.
Sports / Activities:
What types of activities and sports does Good Times offer?
During sports and activities, the counselors and campers always have a multitude of choices. Our Good Times trailer carries all the supplies and equipment necessary for endless hours of fun and excitement.
Is Good Times a sports camp?
Although there is ample time throughout each week for a wide variety of sports, we are much more than a sports camp. Besides teaching sportsmanship and the fundamentals of many sports, we have 2 field trips, 3 swimming days, special events, themed dress-up days, and an awesome cookout every week!
Field Trips:
Are the field trips an extra cost?
Field trips are included with your tuition; however, many campers may need extra money if they plan on buying food, drinks, or souvenirs.
Are parents able to attend field trips?
Parents are always welcome to join their camper for a day of fun-filled activities. Parents should notify the camp director and are required to pay for their own admission ticket.
Rain / Sun:
What does Good Times do when it’s raining outside?
A light rain/drizzle usually won’t change our schedule. In the event of a thunderstorm or if lightning is spotted, we will find shelter as soon as possible. Even this won’t dampen our spirits. After finding shelter, we may go see a movie, go bowling, or do a craft. Whatever the choice, campers will have fun, be safe, and keep dry.
What does Good Times do on those very hot days?
On excessively hot days, we will make an extra effort to find shade and encourage lots of water drinking. We always have adequate supplies of ice water available to our campers throughout the day.
Lunch / Concessions:
Does Good Times provide lunch?
We will provide lunch every Friday at our theme based cookouts. Monday through Thursday, lunch must be provided from home unless specially noted on our camp calendar. We prefer Ziploc bags clearly labeled with your child’s name.
How does Good Times keep the lunches cool and fresh?
Upon arrival at camp, each camper places their sack lunch into their group’s cooler. These coolers are kept cool by frozen gel packs which help ensure a fresh lunch.
Does Good Times provide concessions?
During lunch and each afternoon, we provide basic concessions for purchase. These include a variety of sodas, sports drinks, and candy bars.
Please note: Good Times concessions are cash free. Wristbands can be purchased every morning from a base director.
What are wristbands?
Concession wristbands are the only way campers can purchase concessions from Good Times. Cash will not be accepted. This ensures minimal loss and theft. Parents simply purchase wristbands (each worth $2) from the Camp Store at Family Night or from a base director while camp is in session. Campers simply wear the durable wristband until they wish to purchase a concession. Upon their purchase we will remove the wristband.
What is a Gopher?
Good Times offers a special program to certain campers over the age of 12. This program helps transition eager teen campers into responsible working adults. Gophers are assistants to their assigned counselors and in no way have responsibility over any camper. A few veteran Gophers will show extraordinary qualities and will be allowed to become camp interns. Many of Good Times best counselors were at one time campers themselves.
How does a camper become a Gopher?
The Gopher program is by invitation only. If selected, you will receive an invitation early in January from Director Peggy. Normal camp fees apply unless noted in the invitation. Contact us for more information
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